Wednesday 9 October 2013

fashion in world war one

During world war one womens fashion changed dramatically, with a lack of fabric and money people had to 'make do and mend' patches on clothing became a common site and fashion became more practical and some what mere masculine. women had to take on the work that the men had left behind in the factories and fields, therefore many were often dressed in uniforms that would consist of plain colors and cheep fabrics.

The trench coat was also invented, the name came about as it was used by soldiers in the trenches as it was thought to be a practical coat that wouldn't get covered in dry mud and would also keep the soldiers warm. as well as being warn in the trenches it was also worn at home by women and is still seen today.

Knowing about fashion at the time is helpful in devising a piece as it aids you in picturing a character and how they would have looked. knowing soldiers only form of 'armor' is a coat allows you to imagine just how vulnerable and scared they would have felt. also by knowing that hand me downs and patches were common sight you can come to terms with just how poor people of the time were and how limited they were because of rationing.

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