Wednesday 9 October 2013

The first world war is often referred to as the first machine war. lorries and tractors were used to pull the weaponry required for trench warfare and tanks were also invented taken from the idea of the steam tractor which introduced 'mechanized warfare'.

airplanes also started to be used for the first time carrying bombs and performing reconnaissance in place of cavalry which used to be 'the eyes of the army'. most casualties were caused by heavy artillery and machine guns which were being used on a large scale for the first time.

there was even an art movement called futurism which depicted the war in the with emphasis on machines even men were mad angular like parts of machines they operated.
Christopher Richard Wynne Nevinson, ‘Study for 'Returning to the Trenches'’ 1914-15
an example of futurism showing men returning to the trenches like a train.

knowing about the machinery in the war is useful to the devising process as it allows us to see what the men would have been working with and how we could make it physical on stage. images like this are very abstract and are helpful as they show the war in a different experimental light.

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